What is APA Style?
American Psychological Association (APA) style is most often used to cite sources within the social sciences (psychology, economics and sociology). You may also use APA style in business, and health fields.
![]() When you use an idea in your paper that is not your own or not common knowledge (something you and everybody else already knows), you must give credit and document where the idea came from. You do this in the form of a citation.
By citing, you:
APA Citation Manual
![]() APA (American Psychological Association) Style is commonly used to cite sources in the social sciences, psychology, and business. Examples for formatting APA citations can be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.
Citing an Article
in APA |
Learn APA Style!
Try This Tutorial! This tutorial from the American Psychological Association includes step-by-step instruction for those who have no prior knowledge of APA style.
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